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Are You Sending your Dog to a Pet Resort or a Pet Prison? 11 Must-Knows before Doggie Day Care

Updated: Jun 4

Picking a doggie day care is like choosing a preschool for your fur-baby. Should you be hunting for a Harvard-like institution or will a fun, free-wheeling hippie commune do? Let's navigate this labyrinth with 11 must-knows before booking your pooch in for a day of professional pampering (or a day behind bars!)

  1. Staff-to-Dog Ratio: Just like Goldilocks, not too many, not too few, but just the right number of staff is what we're after. Overworked staff can lead to overlooked dogs while too few dogs to each staff member might mean your dog's not getting the socialization they need.

  2. Separation of Sizes: Does your doggie day care put Chihuahuas and Great Danes in the same playground? That's like putting a mouse in with the elephants at the zoo - not a good idea!

  3. Schedules: Are there regular breaks for napping, meals and play? Or is it a frenzied free-for-all? Some structure is healthy, just like for human kids. No structure = Lord of the Flies.

  4. In-House Vet: Accidents happen. Make sure there's a vet on call, because you don't want a boo-boo turning into a tragedy.

  5. Cleanliness: Visiting the facility is a must. If it smells worse than your dog after a roll in something unspeakable, run for the hills!

  6. Staff Training: Is the staff trained in canine behavior and CPR? Or do they think 'sit' is a brand of designer dog food?

  7. Outdoor Space: Dogs need fresh air and space to run around. If the facility doesn't have an outdoor area, it's like sending your dog to Alcatraz.

  8. Trial Run: Most reputable day cares offer a trial day. It's like a first date - if your dog comes home and doesn't call them back, you know it's a no-go.

  9. Pet Updates: If they’re not willing to give you regular pup-dates (get it?), you might wonder what they're hiding. Transparency is key.

  10. Overnight Staff: Does your doggy day care turn into a canine ghost town at sundown? If your fur baby is boarding overnight, ensure there's a night shift to keep them company. Dogs can't Netflix and chill alone, you know! If it’s all tumbleweeds and crickets at night, it's time to say "No pawty, no stay."

  11. Reviews: Do some detective work. Online reviews are your best friend here, and remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

Phew! Sounds like a lot of homework, doesn't it? You'd think you're sending your fur-kid off to Harvard with all this due diligence. Well, there's an easier way to avoid the doggy-daycare drama. How about trying a reliable dog walking or pet sitting service instead, like Bark and Boogie.

With Bark and Boogie, you welcome passionate pet aficionados right into your home for personalized play-dates. It's a win-win scenario - more belly rubs for them and total peace of mind for you! So, the next time you're tempted to take your pup on a road trip to a pup penitentiary, I mean resort, think of Bark and Boogie instead.

No matter which option you choose for your furry family member, however, always remember that it's ultimately up to YOU as a responsible pet parent to ensure their safety and wellbeing. Whether it's a canine camp or a professional pet sitter, trust your gut and the research you've done to make sure that your pup is always in good paws.

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